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Anna NagurneyAbout the Director: Anna Nagurney is the Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies in the Department of Operations and Information Management in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. From 1998 to 2021, she was the John F. Smith Memorial Professor of Operations Management. She is also the Founding Director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks and the Supernetworks Laboratory for Computation and Visualization at UMass Amherst. She is an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at UMass Amherst. She received her AB, ScB, ScM, and PhD degrees from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. She devotes her career to education and research that combines operations research / management science, engineering, and economics. Her focus is the applied and theoretical aspects of network systems, particularly in the areas of transportation and logistics, critical infrastructure, and in economics and finance. She is also an expert on humanitarian logistics and disaster management and has been interviewed multiple times for articles in major media in the pandemic on a spectrum of issues from disruptions to perishable product supply chains (food, blood, and pharma) to vaccine distribution and the cold chain.

Professor Nagurney is the author/co-author of over 230 journal articles and 50 book chapters and her h-index acording to Google Scholar is 75. Her most recent book is Labor and Supply Chain Networks, which was published in January 2023 by Springer. In 2021, the book, Dynamics of Disasters - Impact, Risk, Resilience, and Solutions, that she co-edited with Illias S. Kotsireas, Panos M. Pardalos, and Arsenios Tsokas was published by Springer. She also co-edited the book: Dynamics of Disasters—Key Concepts, Models, Algorithms, and Insights with I.S. Kotsireas and P.M. Pardalos, published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland in 2016. She co-authored, Competing on Supply Chain Quality: A Network Economics Perspective, with D. Li, published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland in 2016 and Networks Against Time: Supply Chain Analytics for Perishable Products, co-authored with M. Yu, A.H. Masoumi, and L.S. Nagurney, published in 2013 by Springer Science + Business Media, NYC.

She  has authored or co-authored 12 other books including: Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World, Supply Chain Network Economics, Supernetworks: Decision-Making for the Information Age, Financial Networks, Sustainable Transportation Networks, and Network Economics, edited the book, Innovations in Financial and Economic Networks. For a full list of her publications see her Curriculum Vita.

Her research has garnered support from the National Science Foundation, the Advanced Cyber Security Center, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the AT&T Foundation.

She is regularly invited by the media to share her expertise and has been interviewed for articles in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Forbes, and many other news outlets. She has appeared on many TV news programs and radio shows.

In 2024, Professor Nagurney delivered the Blackett Lecture at the Royal Society in London at the invitation of The Operational Research Society.

In March 2022, she was elected Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) in Ukraine. She continues to serve on its International Academic Board and the Board of Directors.

Professor Anna Nagurney was a 2022 IFORS Distinguished Lecturer and delivered her keynote talk in December in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2022, she was recognized by the Isenberg School of Management for outstanding research productivity from 2019 throught 2022. Professor Anna Nagurney was recognized for her international contributions to Operations Research with the 2020 Harold Larnder Prize and gave her keynote talk at the CORS Conference in June 2021.

In 2019, Professor Anna Nagurney was an invited speaker at the Congreso Futuro in Chile in January. She received the biannual Constantin Caratheodory Prize from the International Society for Global Optimization at its conference in Metz, France and was elected a Fellow of the Network Science Society, also in 2019. That year she also delivered keynote talks in Colombia and Mexico and gave an invited tutorial at the EURO Conference in Dublin.

In 2018, Professor Nagurney gave keynote talks in Italy, Switzerland, England, and Canada and was the Omega Rho Distinguished Lecturer for the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.

In 2018 and 2017, Professor Nagurney was a Summer Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, where she worked on game theory network models for disaster relief and blood supply chains.

Professor Nagurney is featured in the 2016 book: STEM GEMS: How 44 Women Shine in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and How You Can Too! authored by Stephanie Espy.

Professor Nagurney was a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College at Oxford University in England for the 2015-2016 Trinity Term. While a Visiting Fellow at Oxford she also gave invited seminars at Imperial College in London and at Lancaster University.

Professor Nagurney was a Visiting Professor of Operations Management at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, as part of the University's International Visiting Professor Programme, for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 and spent part of her 2012-2103 sabbatical in Gothenburg. She was also a Guest Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in March 2013.

In 2016, she received a Volunteer Service Award at the Distinguished Level from INFORMS at the Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, November 13-16, 2016.

She received an Exceptional Merit Award from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2015 and in 2012.

In June 2014, she received the University Medal from the University of Catania in Italy for her contributions to networks and mentorship of operations researchers.

In 2013, Professor Nagurney was elected an INFORMS Fellow.

In November 2012, she received the Walter Isard Award for her sustained contributions to theory and methodology in Regional Science. She received this award at the 59th Annual Meeting North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International in Ottawa, Canada. In 2012, Professor Nagurney also received the Spotlight Scholar Award from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was recognized by the Isenberg School of Management with the 2011-2012 Research Excellence Award.

In March 2011, she received the Jane F. Garvey Transportation Leadership Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Among the additional honors that she has received are: the University of Massachusetts Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity, an INFORMS Moving Spirit Award, a Radcliffe Fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Research Team Fellowship, a Distinguished Fulbright Chair at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, two AT&T Foundation Industrial Ecology Fellowships, the Chancellor's Medal from the University of Massachusetts, an Eisenhower Faculty Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Faculty Award for Women, a Faculty Fellowship from the University of Massachusetts, and the Kempe Prize from the University of Umea, Sweden. She has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Innsbruckin Austria, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Brown University.

In 2010, she was honored by Ernst & Young through its Inclusive Excellence Award for Accounting and Business School Faculty for her outstanding example in promoting diversity and inclusiveness.

During March 2008, Professor Nagurney was a Senior Fulbright Specialist in Business Administration at the University of Catania  in Italy. In May 2008, she led the conference, Humanitarian Logistics: Networks for Africa, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference and Study Center programs. 

Professor Anna Nagurney has been featured in Science  and was named an Intellectual Leader in Regional Science according to the number of citations to her published articles.  In 2007, she was elected  a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI).  In 2007, she also received the INFORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in Operations Research / Management Sciences, known as the WORMS award. She was the Chair of the 2011 RSAI Fellow Selection Committee.

She has given plenary and invited talks in Austria, Greece, Ukraine, Argentina, Switzerland, China, Sweden, Italy, Canada, New Zealand, Colombia, the US, and other countries. Professor Nagurney has served on numerous prize and award committees both as a committee member and as Chair.

She is on the editorial boards of the journals: Computational Economics, Computational Management Science, Annals of Regional Science, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Global Optimization, The Journal of Computational Optimization in Economics and FinanceThe Journal of Financial Decision Making, Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic NetworkingOptimization Letters, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, and the International Transactions in Operational Research. In 2024, she became a member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal of the Operational Research Society.

Professor Nagurney is a participant in the INFORMS Speaker Program and from 2011-2012 was the Chair of the INFORMS Speaker Program.

She has been since 2004 the Faculty Advisor to the award winning UMass Amherst INFORMS Student Chapter and its associated Lecture Series.

She has chaired 23 doctoral dissertations. The dissertations of her former doctoral students, Dr. Padma Ramanujam and Dr. Patrick Qiang, were recognized with national dissertation awards. She served as the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Management Science at the Isenberg School of Management for over a decade until 2011 and is again the Coordinator as of 2018.

For more information, see Professor Nagurney's home page.

Last update: January 1, 2025

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