Projected Dynamical Systems and Variational Inequalities With Applications

(International Series in Operations Research & Management Science,Volume 2)

Anna Nagurney and Ding Zhang 

Kluwer Academic Publishers

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Review (Thanks to

Booknews, Inc. , September 1, 1996
Details a new theoretical approach, "projected dynamical systems theory," to previous work in variational inequality theory. The new mathematical methods allow researchers to model real-life natural, financial, and human situations in competitive equilibrium problems, and to combine other theoretical approaches with the projected dynamical systems approach. Presents computational and numerical methods for the implementation of the theory, and offers stability analysis, algorithms, and computational procedures for each set of applications. For students, researchers, and practitioners in operations research, management science, and economics. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Chapter Contents
1 Introduction and Overview
2 Projected Dynamical Systems
3 Stability Analysis
4 Discrete Time Algorithms
5 Oligopolistic Market Equilibrium
6 Spatial Price Equilibrium
7 Elastic Demand Traffic Equilibrium
8 Fixed Demand Traffic Equilibrium

Last update: August 23, 2003